速報APP / 懷孕與育兒 / inSleep - Baby Sleep Sounds

inSleep - Baby Sleep Sounds





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:Batıkent Kardelen Mh. 2102.Cd. Ege Kardelen Park Knt. No:4/37 Yenimahalle/ANKARA

inSleep - Baby Sleep Sounds(圖1)-速報App

What is inSleep?

inSleep is a baby sleep application. It allows your baby to fall asleep quickly. There are many white sounds inside. White noises are healthy, safe and recommended by health professionals. It is tested and approved to sleep your baby with white noises.

inSleep is the best and easiest thing you can use to help you and your baby sleep better.

★ Helps babies sleep

★ Helps babies cry less

★ Reduces stress in babies

★ Helps you sleep

What is White Noises?

In simple terms, white noise is a special type of sound signal which is used to mask background sounds. When used to promote healthy sleep, white noise helps to drown out sounds which might otherwise prevent your baby from either falling asleep or waking up whilst asleep.

inSleep - Baby Sleep Sounds(圖2)-速報App

In technical terms white noise can be described as noise whose amplitude is constant throughout the audible frequency range.

A useful analogy is that of white light, which as we all know from school, contains all the colours (frequencies) combined together.

White noise theory has it’s origins in mathematics and engineering and these days it has applications in fields as diverse as acoustics, electronics, computer programming and even economics. If you want to delve deeper, Wikipedia which has an excellent resource on the science of white noise.

Babies, White Noise and Sleep

All newborns start with an ‘untrained’ sleep/wake cycle. Over the first few months, babies start to adjust to the natural transition of day and night. The holy grail is to get the baby sleeping through the night.

But no two babies are the same and sometimes sleep training or ‘crying it out‘ leads nowhere. In these circumstances many parents turn to white noise as a baby sleep solution.

Even before they’re born, babies are quite used to loud noises. The womb, is a surprisingly noisy environment. However, all babies have an immature nervous system which makes them especially ‘jumpy’. The ‘moro reflex‘ causes them to physically flinch when they are startled by a loud noise or loss of support. Swaddling can help stifle the physical effects of this reflex, but if sleep problems persist, white noise could provide some help.

White noise is not unlike the instinctive ‘shhhush’-ing sound parents make when trying to comfort or quieten their child. It masks any sounds which might otherwise startle the infant. Babies have sensitive hearing so it’s best to keep the volume to a conversation level.

Should My Baby Sleep With White Noise?

inSleep - Baby Sleep Sounds(圖3)-速報App

In short, Yes. Babies have just come from an incredibly loud womb. As in as loud as busy city traffic! They are used to loud. And if you know anything about babies, you know they like what they are used to. If you want to set your baby up for the best sleep possible, use inSleep.

Keep in mind that these are recommended averages. Every baby is different. Some babies might sleep more, while others don’t need quite as much sleep.

A few of the application properties:

★ No video or audio adverts

★ 27 white noise tones

★ 5 lullabies

★ Playing in background

★ Sleep Timer

★ Works offline

inSleep - Baby Sleep Sounds(圖4)-速報App

★ Night lamp with colorful screens

★ Night mode (Background Light ON / OFF)

In the application you can find the following sounds:

★ Hair Dryer

★ Vacuum Cleaner

★ Washing Machine

★ Bell

★ Bird

★ Car

inSleep - Baby Sleep Sounds(圖5)-速報App

★ Clock

★ Water Drop

★ Fire

★ Forest

★ Hearth

★ Night

★ Plane

★ Rain

★ Sea

inSleep - Baby Sleep Sounds(圖6)-速報App

★ Shower

★ Stream

★ Train

★ Television

★ Shushing

★ Shushing + Water Stream

★ Shushing + Vacuum Cleaner

★ Ship

★ Car Wiper

inSleep - Baby Sleep Sounds(圖7)-速報App

★ Mother Womb

★ Musicbox Sounds

★ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

★ Lullaby Sounds


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inSleep - Baby Sleep Sounds(圖8)-速報App